Clinician Trusted

Our products are tested through a network of physicians, massage and physical therapists and naturopaths to ensure positive outcomes are observed.

Consumer Validated

Every product is validated by the consumer through consumer trials and must pass a rigorous evaluation matrix.

Performance Assured

Product batches are tested for optimal nanoparticle size, ionic strength and polydispersity (particle size distribution) using state-of-the-art Photon Correlation Spectroscopy instrumentation.

CBD Transdermal Nanogel

This product worked so well!

"It [started working] in about 15 mins and [lasted] for hours. I didn’t notice any fatigue or sleepiness either, which I do with other topical Cbd products. I love it!"

— Consumer Trial Participant

Super fast on results

"This product was super fast on results [...] I would recommend it to anyone "

— Consumer Trial Participant

So Wonderful!

"My co-worker rolled her ankle I gave her this and she said it started working with 10 minutes."

— Verified purchaser

Rapid Transdermal Delivery*

Unique in its concentration and penetration, a little goes a long way with this advanced formulation. One pump (100 microliters) contains 10 mg of activated cannabidiol reduced down to 120 nanometers (that's about 1/100,000th the width of a human hair!).**

*Transdermal delivery was confirmed via a blood plasma trial with 12 participants. Plasma analysis was carried out by a third-party research lab.

**Particle size was confirmed via Photon Correlation Spectroscopy.


Available Now AT

Activated Cannabinoid Balm

Very nice!

"A very nice product for working out soreness and relaxing tense knotted muscles."

— Consumer Trial Participant

Really helped.

"Great product. Really helped [...] my knees."

— Consumer Trial participant

Great Product!

Applies easily and is absorbed quickly by the skin. Helped with swelling and stiffness around the knuckles. Great product!

— Consumer Trial Participant

Enhance the effects of massage therapy

100% of massage therapists participating in a consumer trial of our Activated Cannabinoid Balm indicated they would like to offer and use this balm on clients on a recurring basis.*

96% of consumers reported experiencing positive outcomes when using this product at home, with the most common effect reported being easing muscle tension and soreness.**

*Massage therapist data self reported from 6 unique massage therapists conducting massages on various clients throughout the duration of the trial.

**Data was self-reported through a survey completed by 25 consumers who used the product at home. No negative effects were reported from consumers. Only one participant did not report any effects, stating they had a “generally good experience” but needed more time to confirm the benefits.


"I absolutely Loved the balm!! So did my clients!! [...] in addition to relief from muscle soreness my clients reached deeper states of relaxation sooner than usual, decreased nerve pain and hydrated skin. Everyone I worked on enjoyed the aroma. Also my sheets don’t seem to have a lingering smell [...] My clients and I also appreciate the synergistic and high quality ingredients! Amazing!!! I will definitely continue using this balm for my massages and recommending it to other therapists and clients!!"

— LMT Serving Upcountry and North Shore Maui Clients
Image of hemp growing in field with sun setting

Hawaii's first Department of Health permitted hemp processor

All of our hemp derived products are made with oleoresins from USDA licensed hemp flowers and are manufactured pursuant to Hawai’i Department of Health Hemp Processor Permit #04-0001. Our products are formulated without tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Clinician or Therapist?

We take a performance assured yet gentle and integrative approach to wellness.

Want to sample our products to see if they can improve your clients wellness?

Submit an enquiry to sample or shop our wholesale site below.

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